Winter Skincare Tips

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Winter Skincare TipsIt is official jumper season, I’ve got the big dressing gown out, the flip flops are under the bed and the boots, woolly hat and big coat have made an appearance.

With the changes we make as the seasons turn, we often forget to make any changes to our skincare routine. I for one only knew about winter natural skincare from learning more about low tox living. In turn I decided I wanted to find out more and that was another reason Eco Ems was born….. but that is for another day!

Today it is all about winter skincare, so why do we need to make changes?

  • To stop our skin becoming flaky and damaged
  • To feel good in these cold months
  • To prevent our skin from drying out and becoming itchy
  • To reduce the chance of eczema

Winter Skincare TipsThere is nothing worse than starting to add layer upon layer of clothing and then get that itch!


If you love a hot shower or bath, try turning the temperature down just a little. This will stop your skin drying out and reduce the time. The less time you spend under the hot water the better as your skin will not be as dry.

You might not drink as much during the colder months, but it is still important to keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water 2 – 3 litres where possible, try to avoid icy water especially if you have a sore throat and opt for tap water. Even hot water with lemon and honey can really help soothe your throat.

Winter Skincare Tips


We love a natural ingredient at Eco Ems and for good reason. Look on the label, avoid fragrances, harmful scents, and chemicals. Instead opt for natural ingredients, essential oils and be mindful of what you are putting on your skin. Take the time to moisturise and opt for a face cream that has squalene in it. This one ingredient among others, boosts hydration and can help your skin appear healthier and reduce fine lines.


I love dry brushing; it helps to increase blood flow and circulation. This is particularly good for me as I struggle to keep my thighs warm during winter. I often use this technique on my legs as I sometimes get in growing hairs to. Exfoliating during the colder months is also advised, as this will remove any dead skin cells and promote new skin growth. It will look much better for it to, but do not get carried away or use harsh exfoliants, sugar is a great exfoliator as its gentle on the skin.


Choose a moisturiser that has a shea butter base, this is a great ingredient for winter skin. As it has a high concentration of fatty acids, which is particularly good for dry skin. You can use it on all skin types and if you wanted to opt for a plastic free option you can get this ingredient in the body lotion bars.

My next blog will be going into more detail on this month’s gift set of the month The Sing in the Shower set, launching next Tuesday. As always, I welcome your questions and conversation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the website or socials to ask any questions.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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