Glenda’s Review

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Glenda’s reviewI love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Em’s. It’s one of the main reasons for doing the craft fairs as I love meeting new people and learning what you’re looking for.

I had the privilege of meeting this month’s customer at The Health and Wellness Show back in April. If like Glenda you are trying to go all natural and maintain a healthy lifestyle, our product range is ideal. By stripping out parabens, additives, and synthetics all the ingredients in the skincare can nurture your body in a multitude of ways.

If you’d like to start using products that are better for the environment, kinder to your skin and can be used day or night if you’re on a budget, then this would be a great set. Likewise, if you want to get ahead with upcoming birthdays or Christmas presents, then this is the gift set for you.

Glenda’s review


If you haven’t read about Simple Skincare, go back to this month’s earlier blog, where you’ll learn how to nourish your skin on a budget and why a simple routine can be just as beneficial as a complex one.

To feature in the monthly testimonials, you can pop your product reviews on the website, on Etsy after your purchase or on Google Reviews when you search for Eco Em’s Gifts on your search engine of choice (Give Ecosia a go if you can).


“I met Emma at a Health and Wellness show where I purchased her face cream, soap, and bath bombs. The latter were for presents, the face cream for me. I found it to be fantastic on my face, but I found other uses too. On a recent holiday my feet and lower arms were sunburnt (everything else was covered). The only skin product I had was the cream and in desperation I put it on the burns – the itching stopped and didn’t return! Impressed with the results, my husband used it on his cracked heels – it cured them too!
My only problem is I now need a large tub of Eco Em’s magic cream! I would give it 5 stars.”


Glenda bought the day and night Ultra Pro Face Cream, a little goes a long way with this amazing cream and has helped many of my customers combat a variety of skin conditions. From dry and irritated patches to reducing acne scarring, the high concentration of naturally derived oils is the perfect addition to any skincare routine.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog – Glenda’s review. If you’d like more information about the Ultra Pro Face Cream or the Face the Music Gift Set you can find it here on the website. For your chance to feature in next month’s blog, don’t forget to review your products on the website and if you have any feedback, please feel free to get in touch via [email protected].

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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