Getting Summer Ready The Sustainable Way

ECO EM’S BLOG GETTING SUMMER READY THE SUSTAINABLE WAY As the sun is shining and the nights are at their lightest, we are all full of the joys of summer. The kids are getting excited to break up from school, Sunkissed skin, BBQs at the ready and everyone just seems that little bit happier. And you may well be asking

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Bath Salts Review

ECO EM’S BLOG BATH SALTS REVIEW Thank you for your feedback I love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Ems. With every review whether it’s from Etsy, the website or feedback from customers directly my business grows. It’s your kind words, support and word of mouth that continue to make a huge difference and put a smile

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Mental Health Awareness Week

ECO EM’S BLOG MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK From 15th to 21st May the Mental Health Foundation are spreading awareness and this year their theme is anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. Lots of things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including exam pressures,

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Why is self-care important?

ECO EM’S BLOG WHY IS SELF-CARE IMPORTANT? We all live in a world that is fast paced and full of deadlines. Offering a never-ending list of to dos and an overwhelming number of tasks. Whether you work at home or in an office, look after your family or just yourself, life admin as I like to call it, soon adds

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Facial Cleansing Bar Review

ECO EM’S BLOG FACIAL CLEANSING BAR REVIEW Thank you for your feedback I love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Ems. With every review whether it’s from Etsy, the website or feedback from customers directly my business grows. It’s your kind words, support and word of mouth that continue to make a huge difference and put a

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3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face cream

ECO EM’S BLOG 3 WAYS TO USE THE ULTRA PRO FACE CREAM If you’ve read the blogs from this month, you’ll know I’m on a quest to highlight the benefits of hybrid products. Products that are multifaceted and can help you in several ways. Who doesn’t like a buy one gets one free offer… I thought what better way to

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Hybrid Skincare

ECO EM’S BLOG HYBRID SKINCARE Let us start at the beginning. What do I mean by hybrid skincare? Well it can mean one of two things a skincare product that falls between skincare and make up. But as you’re aware by now I love to make you glow naturally without the need for makeup. So, I’ll be using the term

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Nurture Nature

ECO EM’S BLOG NURTURE NATURE This month we’re appreciating every drop of sunshine and spending all the time we possibly can out in the garden. You may have been following our journey of self sufficiency on Eco Ems socials, but if you haven’t now is your chance to go back and catch up. Eco Em is the home of your

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All About Ethy

ECO EM’S BLOG ALL ABOUT ETHY When I started my zero-waste journey I didn’t truly know where to start. I stumbled across ethy at the perfect time, as I was making a lot of changes to my everyday essentials and needed a hub to find the right companies. From then on, I’ve been hooked and have turned to ethy to

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Sustainable Mother’s Day

ECO EM’S BLOG SUSTAINABLE MOTHER’S DAY Skincare is usually at the top of the list when it comes to a perfect present for Mother’s Day. Which is why I want to help you choose a fantastic and thoughtful gift for your mums. THOUGHTFUL IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! With skin loving ingredients that are ideal for nurturing our mind, bodies

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