Dragon Fruit Body Scrub Review

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Dragon Fruit Body Scrub ReviewI love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Ems. With every review whether it’s from Etsy, the website or feedback from customers directly my business grows. It’s your kind words, support and word of mouth that continue to make a huge difference and put a smile on my face.

Thank you


This month I’m focussing on sunshine and summer. Everyone loves healthy looking skin and having a little extra vitamin D, alongside a little tan. I’ve written a few blogs this month on how to prepare your skin for the sunshine and how to look after it, once it’s been Sunkissed.

This review was from a lovely customer, who was getting ready for the wedding season.

Dragon Fruit Body Scrub Review“A couple of weeks ago I started getting in growing hairs on my legs from shaving, they were a total mess with little red lumps all over my shins. The scrub worked beautifully to exfoliate the skin and completely got rid of the red bumps. I’m so pleased I invested in this a couple of weeks before a wedding I am due to attend so I can wear a dress again and feel confident.”

Dragon Fruit Body Scrub

If you’re struggling with your skin or have a sensitivity to anything, please send me a message. I’d be more than happy to have a chat through some suggestions and see if there is anything within that range that would help.


To feature in the monthly testimonials, you can pop your product reviews on the website, within each product or on the Green Gift Set. On Etsy after your purchase or on Google Reviews when you search for Eco Em’s Gifts on your search engine of choice (Give Ecosia a go if you can).

If you’d like more information about the product featured in this month’s testimonials don’t hesitate to get in touch. Or to secure your own Dragon fruit Body Scrub click here or visit the shop section within the website.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Dragon Fruit Body Scrub Review.

Peace and love,

Eco Em xx

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