How To Go Zero Waste

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

How to go zero wasteBy now you will have seen I mention zero waste and low waste a lot. But what is it?

Zero waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages individuals to reuse, repurpose and redesign life cycles of all products. The goal is for nothing to be sent to landfill, incineration, or end in the ocean.

You may have come across the 5 R’s – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot and these are in order.


Refusing is simple, it’s a case of asking do I need X before buying anything. Taking a moment to really think before hitting the checkout button or grabbing that impulse buy in the shops, this will not only save waste but also money.


Reducing look at the waste you produce. What can you reduce? Can you replace plastic bottles in the kitchen with glass or tin? Can you buy your bread from the bakery? Or get your milk delivered by the milkman?


How to go zero wasteReusing all your “waste” before it goes in the bin. For example, can you resell your old clothes? Can you reuse the container as a plant pot or storage? Replacing disposables with reusables, such as water bottles and refillable cups. Investing in these swaps and keeping them handy will save you money in the long run as well.


Recycling can’t be completely avoided. If you have items in your home use them up first, this may mean you have to recycle them. We’ve been taught is the right thing to do but less than 12% of plastics get recycled. Remember always clean your pots, containers and anything going in the recycling bin, to give it more of a chance of getting recycled.


Rot means allowing your waste to biodegrade. You can create amazing compost in your back garden by investing in a composter. Food waste is one of the heaviest and most harmful types of waste we send to landfill. By composting we reduce greenhouse gas emissions emitted from the methane of the food waste decomposing at landfill. Plus, you can put so much more than just food waste in your composter but that’s for another time!

The amount of plastic and single use plastic within the system is the main cause for concern. However, if you look to adopt a zero-waste way of life by starting small you can make huge changes to your lifestyle. Having a much lower footprint on the planet and our resources, as well as being more mindful in your spending habits and what you simply just waste.

Start by completing a bin audit, every day for a week or two make a tally of what you put in the bin. By the end of it you’ll see where the waste comes from and how you can make changes within your home to make better decisions.

How To Go Zero Waste

For example, if you have 20 pieces of single use plastic after going food shopping, you know heading to the fruit and vegetable market to buy your produce loose will save on the packaging. Or if you have 4 plastic bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body lotion and soap, you can opt for bars rather than bottles.

There are so many places you can start, and everyone is different, but if you’d like to focus on the bathroom, I can help. One of my main goals when starting Eco Ems was to ensure that all the packaging was home compostable or reusable. Every product is wrapped in a plant based wax paper wrap, with labels made from recycled paper or glass jars that can be repurposed/recycled.

I started with a shampoo bar and a toothbrush, now I’m building vegetable patches from old wood and creating my workshop from second hand finds. There are endless possibilities and don’t forget to share your progress with me on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. I hope you feel inspired to make some changes and start your zero-waste journey.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, How To Go Zero Waste.

Peace and love,

Eco Em xx

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