Naughty But Nice Soap Review

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

NAUGHTY BUT NICE SOAP REVIEWI love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Em’s. With every review whether it’s from Etsy, the website or feedback from customers directly my business grows. It’s your kind words, support and word of mouth that are continuing to make a huge difference.


I have pulled a few reviews from the website this month. As this month is all about our beautiful handmade soaps here is some feedback, I can’t wait to share with you.

“Love the scent of this soap, reminds me so much of Christmas! Made my skin feel so soft and helped me unwind after a long day.”

Naughty But Nice Soap ReviewThe Christmas inspired Naughty but Nice soap, is blended with citrus essential oils and pink clay. Pink Clay is particularly good at leaving the skin feeling fresh and bright. Which works wonderfully with the citrus essential oils, as they are clean and refreshing.

“A beautiful soap smells incredible and leaves your skin feeling soft and fresh! A great pick me up on those stressful days, helping my mind/body reset and relax.”

The Peppermint Relax soap, is perfect for unwinding and helping to relax those sore achy muscles after a long day. Peppermint has been proven to help reduce swelling with anti-inflammatory properties.


If you are struggling with anything from restless nights, achy muscles or dry skin. Don’t hesitate to contact me, I will always be happy to help and suggest essential oils that may be able to reduce the symptoms.

To feature in the monthly testimonials, you can pop your product reviews on the website, within each product or Green Gift Set. On Etsy after your purchase or on Google Reviews when you search for Eco Em’s Gifts on your search engine of choice (Give Ecosia a go if you can).

If you’d like more information about any of the products featured in this month’s testimonials don’t hesitate to get in touch. Or to secure your On The Third Day of Christmas soap set you can find it here on the website. For your chance to feature in next month’s blog, don’t forget to review your products on the website and if you have any feedback, please feel free to get in touch via [email protected].

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Naughty But Nice Soap Review.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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