Getting Summer Ready The Sustainable Way

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Getting Summer Ready The Sustainable WayAs the sun is shining and the nights are at their lightest, we are all full of the joys of summer. The kids are getting excited to break up from school, Sunkissed skin, BBQs at the ready and everyone just seems that little bit happier.

And you may well be asking yourself how I enjoy a more sustainable summer, without jetting off on holiday. Well, I am here to help and provide you with some of my summer top tips.

Five Ways To Have An Eco-Friendly Summer

1. Staycation

If you love a break and a well-deserved summer holiday you can enjoy all the UK has to offer. From stunning beaches down south, to beautiful countryside in the Derbyshire Dales, to the rolling hills of the Lake District. There is plenty on offer and you don’t need to have a huge budget or make a massive impact on your carbon footprint.

If you do decide to go abroad, you can offset the carbon from the journey through a variety of websites. Type into your search engine of choice carbon offset and you can find plenty of options.

2. Summer wardrobe

If your wardrobe needs updating instead of buying all new or choosing fast fashion outlets. Look up Vinted, Depop or visit your local charity shop. Not only will this save you a huge amount of money, you’ll also be saving thousands of items from landfill, creating a more circular approach to fashion. You can also utilise Vinted’s seller option and find new homes for some of your preloved items.

Getting Summer Ready The Sustainable Way

3. Picnics

We all love a picnic in the summer, if you can plan, prep and make the most of the weather you are set to have a great day. Instead of buying all disposable cutlery, plates, and cups, take your own basket/hamper with reusables from home. Summer staples like strawberries and cream, sandwiches and cakes can all be homemade, to have even less of an impact.

4. Sun cream

There are several brands of suncream that include a variety of harmful chemicals, that have a negative impact on the environment. The chemicals not only pollute the environment, they also have a negative impact on our skin and health. There are safer alternatives such as People4Ocean or Shade All Natural.

5. Shop local & small

Small businesses run by passionate individuals who are looking to make a difference to the world are at risk of having to close their doors. Due to rising costs of everything as we all know, and the constant fear of being put out of business by the big boys. So, wherever you visit this summer, if you can support the small independent coffee shops, gift shops, greengrocers, farm shops and tourist attractions. You’ll be supporting a multitude of people of like me who love what they do!

These are just a few examples of how you can have an eco-friendly summer. If you aren’t already following me on social media head over to Eco Ems Gifts and you can see all the progress, we have made on our home allotment. And follow us as we embark on a summer of growing our own and the hurdles we overcome as we build our own space to be more self-sufficient.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Getting Summer Ready The Sustainable Way.

Peace and love,

Eco Em xx

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