A Blissful 2024: Self-Care, Pampering, and Unwinding with an Extra Day

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

A Blissful 2024I find myself organising the year and how I can take advantage of every opportunity as we dive into the promises of 2024. One resolution sticks out in particular: making self-care a priority. With an additional day on the calendar this year, I’m committing to self-love, relaxation, and rest.

Everyone had a difficult year last year, and at times, just getting through the day felt like a victory. Personally, I’m trying to pay attention to my health, figure out how to do the things I enjoy without going overboard, and schedule downtime to destress.

That in and of itself can be challenging given the ever-expanding list of tasks, the never-ending to-do list, and the numerous things I believe I should do for other people, let alone for myself. I find myself at the bottom of a very long list and quickly burning out.

This month is all about love, and because Valentine’s Day is coming up, now is a great opportunity to make your requests. Not just from those who care for you, but also from yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself this month is to give yourself time. You can also find some time to thoroughly indulge yourself as you have a whole extra day.


A Blissful 2024It’s easy to forget how important self-care is amid hectic schedules and hard work. Acknowledging this is the first step and this year, I have established a new routine. Setting aside time to do things that bring me joy is the first significant change. I set aside thirty minutes each morning to exercise and stretch, make time for tea and journaling, stick to a strict bedtime, and set up an hour each week to either read for relaxation or go to a class.

I was trying to do everything and juggling a lot, so I let these little things slip. That sounds familiar, I’m sure!! To make room for self-care I’ve had to book it in, make room in my diary schedule it in advance, so I don’t find myself cleaning or faffing rather than doing the one thing I set out to change and prioritise.


A Blissful 2024In my search for the perfect self-care package, I’ve come up with a pamper box that works perfectly. With its wonderful assortment of cruelty-free items, packed with your faves and tailored just for you, it’s turned into my indulgent haven. Every product, from calming skincare to ambient candles, is thoughtfully made with the health of the planet and you in mind. I aimed to design a present that would be ideal for both giving and receiving. Something that will make you smile and make sure you schedule some downtime for yourself.


It has been difficult to guarantee that every component of the pamper pack is cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, low-tox, and zero-waste. However, I had to complete the challenge because Eco Ems Gifts’ ethos is based on these pillars. It has always meant a lot to me to be able to gift green with every box and have the least possible impact. Knowing that every component in your bathroom helps nurture nature and is healthy for your skin is essential for taking care of both the planet and you while you unwind.


A Blissful 2024This month, we have an extra day, so I’ve already organised a pamper evening. Imagine yourself curled up with a good book, a cup of herbal tea, and some of my best vegan skincare products. Paired with an exquisite face mask for radiant, lovely skin set to glow in time for spring and the change in the seasons. This extra day will serve as a haven of calm and quiet, enabling me to rejuvenate and establish the foundation for an accomplished and rewarding year to come.

I’d like to take you with me, on a journey of self-indulgence, mindfulness, and self-care in 2024. Let’s remember the value of setting aside time for ourselves as we move through the year with intention.

Soon, you can find a limited-edition pamper pack on the website if you want to get your hands on one. Get early access and be the first to learn about the launch by subscribing to our email newsletter on the website!

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, A Blissful 2024: Self-Care, Pampering, and Unwinding with an Extra Day.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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