3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face cream

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face creamIf you’ve read the blogs from this month, you’ll know I’m on a quest to highlight the benefits of hybrid products. Products that are multifaceted and can help you in several ways. Who doesn’t like a buy one gets one free offer…

I thought what better way to explain what I mean than to run through some real life examples from a few of my regular customers. These lovely people have put the Ultra Pro Face Cream to the test and have come back for more.

Because it’s so important for me to get your feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know your thoughts. Or add your reviews to the website under your favourite products.

The day and night face cream, was always created to moisturise and keep your skin looking fresh. The natural ingredients complement a combination skin type and help those with dry patches in particular. However, it can be used in several other ways…


3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face creamHaving used the face cream for several weeks one of my customers decided to try and help her husband. At the time he was suffering with bad cracked heels, it was painful, and he was getting to the point where nothing was relieving the pain. He’d tried several creams and it just wasn’t healing.

One night they decided to try some of the Ultra Pro cream and put a sock on to keep the cream from rubbing off. Over the course of a week, it transformed the appearance of his heels and the pain stopped. Ever since they buy two jars when they run out and have a his and hers in the bathroom.


Last year I met a wonderful lady at a craft fair, we got talking and learnt we had a lot in common. She was a keen gardener who also had a love for composters and kept an allotment. She gave me some great gardening advice but she suffered with dry skin.

This made her hands particularly irritable when she was in the garden as the gloves would irritate her skin. And because she was outdoors so often, she always had dry patches on her body. Her elbows, knees and arms were always itchy.

At the time she’d been prescribed a cream from the doctors, but as a lover for all things natural and plant based she was desperate to find an alternative. She tried a sample of my cream on her hands and then went on her way around the craft fair.

Within 30 minutes she was back, the cream had moisturised her hands and the skin on her elbows. She was shocked but very impressed and decided to buy some to try. She’s now on her fourth jar and keeps asking me to bring out a bigger size!


3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face creamLast summer I was talking to another stall holder at a market. We were discussing her holiday plans and all the days out they’d booked for the family over the summer holidays. She was vegan and wanted to try some of my products as they are all cruelty free.

A few weeks had passed, and I got a message. They’d been on a weekend away with friends and family in the UK. And had forgotten to put on any suncream, her exact words were “ it was cloudy and we were only in Whitby!”

Well unfortunately she’d burnt and without anything else with her she reached for the Ultra Pro face cream at night to see if it would help ease the sting. To her relief the next day she was pleased that the cream had taken off the edge and she wasn’t in so much pain.

To this day she still mentions it when we bump into each other and has been a fan ever since.

These are just a few examples of how one product can go a long way and be used for a variety of conditions. I love my face cream, and I’m so pleased when customers send me reviews and stories of how they are using it.

I hope you’ve found some inspiration and if you have any questions about the uses of any of the eco swaps you find throughout the Eco Ems website, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, 3 Ways to use the Ultra Pro Face cream.

Peace and love,

Eco Em xx

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