The Importance of Summer Skincare

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

The Importance of Summer SkincareAs the temperature rises and we embrace the sunny days of summer, it’s crucial to adjust our skincare routines to keep our skin healthy. The extra heat and humidity can lead to increased sweating, which means our skin needs extra care to stay clear and hydrated. Here are some essential tips to ensure your skin remains at its best during the warmer months.

Cleanse Morning and Night

With the extra heat, your skin will sweat more, which can clog pores with oils and dirt. It’s important to cleanse your skin both in the morning and at night to prevent breakouts and keep your complexion clear. Our Pink Pearl Facial Cleanser is perfect for this. Its gentle yet effective formula removes impurities without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. It’s dual purpose and removes make up as well as cleansing, improving blood flow and adding natural oils.

Hydrate and Moisturise

Your skin can also dry out more quickly in the summer due to increased moisture loss. It’s essential to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated from the inside out. Additionally, make sure you are moisturising regularly with a product like our Body Butter Lotion Bar. This bar is rich in nourishing ingredients that keep your skin soft and supple, even in the heat.

Gentle Exfoliation and Protection

While summer can make your skin look better, thanks to the natural exfoliation from increased sweat and sebum production, it can also lead to dryness if not properly managed. For those with skin conditions like psoriasis, it’s crucial to wear sun cream and avoid excessive sun exposure. Using a gentle exfoliating soap can help remove dry skin while providing much-needed moisture. Our range of soaps, available here, are perfect for this purpose, offering both exfoliation and hydration in one.

Why Does My Skin Look Better in the Summer?

During the summer, increased humidity and exposure to sunlight can make your skin look more radiant and even toned. The warmth and moisture in the air help to open pores, which can lead to clearer skin. However, this doesn’t mean you should skip your skincare routine—proper cleansing and hydration are still essential to maintain this glow.

How Does Summer Affect Your Skin?

Summer can have both positive and negative effects on your skin. The increased humidity can help keep your skin hydrated, while the sun can boost your vitamin D levels, improving your overall skin health. However, the heat and sun exposure can also lead to dehydration, sunburn, and clogged pores if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s important to adjust your skincare routine to address these changes.

Is Summer Good for My Skin?

Summer can be good for your skin if you take the right precautions. The increased exposure to sunlight can improve your mood and overall skin tone, but it’s important to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Using sun cream, staying hydrated, and following a consistent skincare routine are key to ensuring your skin stays healthy.

What Skincare Is Best for Summer?

The best skincare for summer includes lightweight, hydrating products that won’t clog your pores. Start with a gentle cleanser like our Pink Pearl Facial Cleanser to remove sweat and impurities. Follow with a lightweight moisturiser such as our Ultra Pro Face Cream to keep your skin hydrated without feeling heavy. Incorporating a gentle exfoliating soap into your routine can also help maintain smooth, clear skin.

By following these tips and using our carefully crafted skincare routine, you can keep your skin looking and feeling its best all summer long. Remember, proper skincare is essential to enjoying the benefits of the season while protecting your skin from its potential downsides.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, The Importance of Summer Skincare.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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