ECO EM’S BLOG GUIDE TO SPRING CLEANING YOUR BATHROOM & SKINCARE ROUTINE BY ECO EMS I always get the cleaning bug as spring approaches, so why not give your skincare routine a makeover as well? Go on a decluttering journey with Eco Ems Gifts and adopt a more straightforward, environmentally friendly skincare routine. Since the beginning of the year, we
What is Plastic Free July?
ECO EM’S BLOG WHAT IS PLASTIC FREE JULY? Plastic Free July, is a month dedicated to inspiring millions of people to participate in making small changes which collectively make a huge difference. I often get asked, how can swapping to a shampoo bar make a difference? But if you think that everyone in the UK has the power to make
What is Plastic Free July?
ECO EM’S BLOG WHAT IS PLASTIC FREE JULY? I hope you saw my social posts throughout July, everyday I shared my eco swaps on Facebook & Instagram to inspire others to make simple swaps to their everyday lives. But what is Plastic Free July? I’m glad you asked, it’s a month dedicated to inspiring millions of people to participate in