Summer Holidays Eco Ems Style!

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Summer Holidays Eco Ems Style!Summer is a time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and a bit of a break from the hustle and bustle. At Eco Ems, I embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly. As summer arrives and the temperatures soar (hopefully). I step back from markets and craft fairs to regroup and recharge.

Taking a Step Back to Move Forward

The summer months are a time for reflection and planning. By taking a break from the constant whirlwind of markets and fairs, I ensure that I’m well-organised and prepared for the busy autumn/winter season. These months are non-stop, and proper planning is essential to keep everything running smoothly. This summer, instead of heading off on holiday, we’ve decided to focus on our future projects. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, which I can’t wait to share with you.

Summer Holidays Eco Ems Style!

Cultivating Our Green Oasis

One of our major projects this summer is our garden. We’ve put a lot of effort into transforming it into a beautiful and productive space. Gardening is not only a relaxing and rewarding hobby but also a great way to live sustainably. We’re growing a variety of plants, flowers, and vegetables, which contribute to a healthier lifestyle. There’s something incredibly satisfying about eating food you’ve grown yourself!

Embracing Minimalist Living

Alongside our gardening efforts, we’re working on decluttering our home and embracing minimalist living. It’s amazing how much stuff accumulates over time that we don’t really need or use. We’re sorting through all of our belongings and rehoming anything we no longer use. This not only helps create a more organised and relaxing home but also supports our community. We’re donating items to charity shops and gifting them to others who might need them. We’ve slowly decluttered each room, I make sure to keep a memory box for those precious items you can’t be without.

Summer Holidays Eco Ems Style!

Focusing on Self-Care

Summer is also a time for personal growth and self-care. I’m working on improving my health by eating better and exercising regularly. Spending time with loved ones is also a priority as it gets so busy on the run up to Christmas. It’s important to cherish these moments and build lasting memories, especially with the kids. And of course, I’m making sure to relax and appreciate my weekends off before the mayhem begins. Taking care of myself means I’ll be better prepared to take care of my business and customers in the busy months ahead.

What Are Your Summer Plans?

What are you doing this summer? Are you spending time with the kids, going on holiday, or working on a project like we are? We’d love to hear about your summer plans and how you’re making the most of this sunny season.
Feel free to share your summer stories with us. Whether you’re taking a break, embarking on a new adventure, or just enjoying some downtime, we hope you have a wonderful summer filled with plenty of sunshine.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Summer Holidays Eco Ems Style!

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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