Keeping Your Skincare Bars At Their Best During the Summer Heat

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Keeping Your Skincare Bars At Their BestThis month, as we welcome the warmer weather, it’s critical to make sure your eco-friendly skincare products continue to be at their best. High-quality, natural skincare bars that are beneficial to the environment and your skin are what we our pride ourselves on at Eco Ems. But keeping them intact might be difficult in the summertime heat. These are some ideas to help you your skincare bars at their best this summertime.

Do’s and Don’ts for Summer Skincare Bar Maintenance


  • Keep Your Bars Wrapped and Stored Properly: To prevent your skincare bars from melting or becoming too soft, store them in a cool, dry place. A cupboard away from direct sunlight is ideal.
  • Allow Soaps to Dry Between Uses: After each use, make sure to let your soap bars dry completely. This not only prolongs their lifespan but also keeps them from becoming soggy. Using a soap dish with good drainage is perfect for this.
  • Store Lotion Bars in a Tin or Fridge: If temperatures soar, consider storing your lotion bars in a tin for safe keeping or even in the fridge for a refreshing cool down. However, they are best used at room temperature.


Keeping Your Skincare Bars At Their Best

  • Leave In Direct Sunlight: Never leave your skincare bars in direct sunlight, as this can cause them to melt or degrade. Always keep them in a shaded, cool area.
  • Leave Bars in Humid Areas: Avoid storing your bars in excessively humid environments, like a bathroom without proper ventilation. This can cause them to melt or deteriorate faster.
  • Store Outdoors: Do not store your skincare products outdoors, especially during peak summer heat. The intense temperatures can quickly ruin their consistency and effectiveness.

Why I Avoid Craft Fairs and Markets in Summer

You may have noticed that in the summer I steer clear of markets and artisan fairs. This is mostly because the majority of my products are sensitive to the heat. They can easily melt when in direct sunlight because they are prepared with natural components in concentrated formulas. That’s why you won’t see me at summertime outdoor markets, and I don’t often take a chance on a gazebo!

I also use this time to relax, recharge, and get ready for the hectic Christmas season ahead of me. Starting in September, I’ll be returning with a full lineup of pop-ups, ready to showcase the winter collection of eco-friendly skincare products and presents for Christmas. Can you believe I’m dropping the C bomb so soon…..

Eco Ems: Committed to Quality and Sustainability

The best natural ingredients, such as coconut oil, rapeseed oil, and olive oil, are used to manufacture our skincare bars, which include soaps, shampoo bars, and lotion bars. These bars come in a range of wonderful scents, are highly moisturising, and are suited for sensitive skin. They complement your eco-friendly lifestyle and are long-lasting and plastic-free.

Enjoying the Summer with Eco Ems

You can make sure that your Eco Ems products remain effective and fresh all summer long by following these easy steps. Ensuring that proper usage and storage of your products will extend their shelf life and optimise the advantages they provide for your skin.

We appreciate your support and hope you can enjoy your collection of skincare throughout the summer. I’m excited to meet you all again soon, maybe with some new surprises in addition to a wide range of gifts and scents. In the meantime, take advantage of the sunshine, continue to nurture nature, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about making the most out of your bars.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Keeping Your Skincare Bars At Their Best During the Summer Heat.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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