Creating a Reverse Advent Calendar: Spreading Joy

Eco Em's



Eco Em's

Creating a Reverse Advent CalendarSince Christmas is a time for giving, there’s no better way to share the cheer than by making a reverse advent calendar for one of your local food banks. I’ll go over what a reverse advent calendar is, how to make one, and some ideas for reverse advent calendars in this blog post. The aim is to inspire you to start your own and help those in your local community.


An original take on the classic advent calendar is the reverse advent calendar. Giving to people in need takes the place of getting a gift or treat every day leading up to Christmas. You fill a box or bag with an item every day in December and then give the whole thing to a nearby food bank. It’s a great way to spend this time of year positively impacting your community.


Creating a Reverse Advent CalendarCreating a reverse advent calendar is simple and fulfilling. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Find a Suitable Container: Choose a sturdy box or reusable bag to hold your collected items. Make sure it’s large enough to hold a variety of food and non-perishable items.
  2. Create a Collection Schedule: Decide on the duration of your reverse advent calendar – it can be 24 or 25 days leading up to Christmas. Mark the start and end dates on your calendar. Some Food banks close for Christmas so you may want to start a little earlier than December 1st.
  3. Daily Donations: Every day, add a different item to your box. Focus on non-perishable goods such as tinned foods, pasta, rice, cereals, and hygiene products. You can also include festive treats like chocolates and cookies.
  4. Spread the Word: Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join you the more people involved, the greater the impact.
  5. Deliver Your Donation: Once your reverse advent calendar is complete, take it to your local food bank. I’ve added a list of charities taking donations to help you if you’re based in Leicestershire.


Creating a Reverse Advent CalendarNeed some inspiration for your reverse advent calendar? Here are some items usually sought after –

  1. Tinned Food: Soup, Pasta Sauce, Baked Beans, Vegetables Tinned Fish, Meals, Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding etc
  2. Store Cupboard Staples: Rice, Pasta, Spaghetti, Jams, Marmite.
  3. Tea & Coffee: Tea Bags, Coffee, Long Life Milk UHT, Sugar.
  4. Festive Treats: Long-life sweets, Christmas Chocolates, Cookies, Biscuits.
  5. Essential Hygiene Products: Toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo, Feminine hygiene products.


I’ve been creating a reverse advent calendar for years now, way before Eco Em’s came about. And now more than ever people are really feeling the pinch, with the cost of shopping and general living costs increasing it seems to be getting worse for everyone.

Here is a list of local food banks near me but you can search your local town to find one near you.

Enderby Mission Church
Saffron Resource Centre
Chroma Church
Woodgate Community Food
Holy Trinity Church
Leicester West
St Johns Church

If you use the link, you can search by town or postcode.

It may feel like a small act of kindness but if you are in the fortunate position whereby you can give a little this year please do. You are helping the lives of many throughout the Christmas season by making a reverse advent calendar and giving it to the food bank. Families in need can experience warmth, sustenance, and hope thanks to your kindness and generosity. Together, let’s spread the giving spirit throughout our community and make this Christmas genuinely memorable for everyone.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Creating a Reverse Advent Calendar: Spreading Joy.

Peace and love

Eco Em xx

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