ECO EM’S BLOG THE IMPACT OF CHEMICAL-FREE SKINCARE: WHY NATURAL GIFTS ARE THE WAY TO GO Welcome to the world of chemical-free and environmentally friendly skincare! Prioritising products that not only nourish our skin but also safeguard the environment is crucial in today’s fast-paced society when self-care is paramount. We are at the forefront of the green movement and as
Time to Relax – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG TIME TO RELAX – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH In August we have had a focus on eco-conscious gifting, encouraging eco-swaps with beautifully designed and handcrafted bathroom essentials. Now we’re not talking your usual high street BOGOF basics! No, no, no. We are talking about all-natural skincare that makes your complexion glow. Zero waste gifts with eco-friendly
Embrace Sustainability with Eco-Friendly Gift Boxes for Your Loved One’s Birthdays
ECO EM’S BLOG EMBRACE SUSTAINABILITY WITH ECO-FRIENDLY GIFT BOXES FOR YOUR LOVED ONE’S BIRTHDAYS Birthdays are a time for joy, laughter, and celebrating another trip around the sun. I’m often asked for gift ideas, and the reason I started Eco Em’s was to share those beloved moments with you. To encourage eco swaps easily and Gift Green to those you
Essentials Gift Box Review
ECO EM’S BLOG ESSENTIALS GIFT BOX REVIEW Thank you for your feedback I love hearing from all the waste warriors that support Eco Ems. With every review whether it’s from Etsy, the website or feedback from customers directly my business grows. It’s your kind words, support and word of mouth that continue to make a huge difference and put a
Green Gift Set – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG GREEN GIFT SET – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH Each month I’ll feature one of the Green Gift Sets, which highlights the products best suited for that month. This month and running on from the fantastic Plastic Free July, I wanted to share the Essentials Gift Set with you. The Essentials Gift Set is a perfect starter
Face the Music – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG FACE THE MUSIC – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH Each month I’ll feature one of the products or gift sets from the range. I want to showcase all the goodness, love, care, and attention that goes into picking the natural alternatives. Each product within the Eco Ems range has been chosen to help make eco swaps easy,
Soap & Suds Gift Set – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG SOAP & SUDS GIFT SET – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH Each month I’ll feature one of the products or gift sets from the range, to showcase all the goodness, love, care, and attention that goes into picking the natural alternatives. Each product within the Eco Ems range has been chosen to help make eco swaps easy,
Sustainable Mother’s Day
ECO EM’S BLOG SUSTAINABLE MOTHER’S DAY Skincare is usually at the top of the list when it comes to a perfect present for Mother’s Day. Which is why I want to help you choose a fantastic and thoughtful gift for your mums. THOUGHTFUL IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! With skin loving ingredients that are ideal for nurturing our mind, bodies
The Essentials Gift Set – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG THE ESSENTIALS GIFT SET – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH Each month I’ll feature one of the Green Gift Sets, which highlights the products best suited for that month. This month I wanted to share the Essentials Gift Set with you, as we are heading into a new year full of new beginnings, I thought this would
On The Third Day of Christmas – Gift Set of the Month
ECO EM’S BLOG ON THE THIRD DAY OF CHRISTMAS – GIFT SET OF THE MONTH Each month I’ll showcase one of the Green Gift Sets, to show you just how easy it is to gift green. Every gift box has been created with you and the planet in mind, sourcing only the best ingredients, recycling packaging and featuring vegan friendly